Updated 2000 05 19

Web Services

Each user on this net can have a small website hosted by us. In addition, each channel here can have a small website.

Our hard drive space is large, but not huge, and for that reason some restrictions apply, as noted below (along with some useful tips).

How to Post Your Page

If you can create your own .html file, and you have viewed it in a browser and know it meets your wishes, just email it to terri@bservice.org, and she will post it.

If you don't know how to code HTML, just write up the exact text you want on your page, and email it to terri@bservice.org, who will be happy to code it for you, and post it.

How Big Your Site Can Be

At this time we have a one webpage limit for users, and a two-page limit for channels. The amount of text you include is not restricted, however we ask that you not write a book, either.

No music files are permitted because of storage space, though this may change favourably in the future.

Graphic files are permitted, but we ask that you keep them few and small. We do have a small but growing library of graphics that you can use on your page. For now, these can be viewed here. For example, aqua1.gif is one of the pics we have; to use that as your background, put the attribute BACKGROUND=../bg/aqua1.gif in your BODY tag.

How to View Your Pages

There are two ways for you and others to view your pages.