Local Administrators

Main Duties

  1. local admins are responsible for acquiring and locally promoting their own staff, drawn from the general pool of botservice staff, whether local or global
  2. notify admins@bservice.org of any local staff appointments
  3. notify training@bservice.org of any training needed for local staff/users
  4. monitor the status of all bots on the net, for continued compliance with our policies (such as channel being registered, bot being on cservice, no eggdrops in channel, etc)
  5. check network servers, making sure their policy hasnt changed regarding bots, updating and revising proper server lists for use by our bots, and forwarding them regularly to admins@
  6. local admins are the primary liaison between our global admins and their network's admins
  7. actively socialize with chanowners and potential chanowners, to offer help and suggestions, and receive suggestions, in a non-intrusive way, as appropriate, giving on the spot help when a situation needing it, arises

© BotService, 1999